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Sunday, October 9, 2016

School Family Jobs - Student Helpers

In the past, I have had a job for each child in my class. They kept the job for the week. This year I decided to try having one helper each day who does all the jobs. WHY DID I NOT DO THIS BEFORE? It has made my life so much easier. The child really feels special when it is his or her turn. I don't have to remember who has each job. I get out of doing a lot of "grunt work"! And the kids love doing all these menial tasks! Here is a list of what the helper does in the morning (instead of morning work) and then what the helper does during morning meeting.
Other things that I have the helper do: pass out papers, take things to the office for copies, run errands like go to the copy machine or take something to another teacher, lead the line, pass out the snack napkins, turn on/off the lights, stuff mailboxes with graded papers. Since each student has a number, I just go in number order to decide who is the next helper.