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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Plants in the Classroom

Do you want to plant seeds with your students but it seems overwhelming? Here is my method that is easy and cheap!

List of things to purchase/collect:
Potting Soil
Large Bowl
Clear Solo Cups
Cheap Seeds (quick germinating - see photo)
Popsicle Sticks
Thin Sharpie Marker
2 Trays

Step 1: Label the Popsicle Sticks with your students' names. Mine have numbers because all my students have a number.
Step 2: Open the Seed Pouches and empty the seeds into a Ziploc baggie placing the open pouch in too.
Step 3: Put the Potting Soil in the bowl. 
Step 4: Pass around the seeds in baggies so the students can examine them and decide which seeds they'd like to plant. 
Step 5: Have students fill their cups about 3/4 full with the soil and spoon. They can use the stick to make a hole, put in a few seeds, and then cover them up. Have the girls put their cups on one tray and the boys on another tray (for easier locating when watering) with the stick upright in the soil so that you can see whose is whose. Plant some extra cups with the remaining seeds for any cups that don't sprout.
Step 6: Tape the seed packets up so the students can remember what they chose to plant. 

Step 7: Use a spray bottle to let the students water their plants each day. This prevents over-watering.

Happy Planting!