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Monday, September 17, 2018

Desks Vs. Tables - the Great Debate

For 4 years I have had desks in my 1st grade classroom. This year I decided to turn them around, tie them together and turn them into tables. Why didn't I do this 5 years ago? 

Why I will never go back to individual desks.

They can't use it as a trashcan. I was constantly cleaning out desks to find things. No more!

They share glue, gluesticks, erasers, and pencils. Each table has a cart to store these things as well as their crayon boxes, and binders.

I have chair pockets that they keep their folders, notebooks, and library books in. They are from Lakeshore and I am very happy with them. 

Each day we have a new table captain who is responsible for passing out the table's papers, making sure they have pencils, organizing their supplies, etc. 

I have a clock above each table so I can dismiss them by tables from the rug or from tables to get in line. 

Their spots are not permanent. If I want to switch kids around, I simply take off their names tags (velcro) and move them and their chair to a new spot. 

Now I always have a few students who really need to work in a private space so I have some places around the room that I can't put them "permanently" or send them there when they need a break from the group.

I am using the insides of the desks to store things that I will use later in the year like poetry packs that I've copied ahead of time and extra supplies. 

If you haven't tried it, you should!