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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How to ORGANIZE all the teacher things..the constant battle

I'm a type-A teacher. I must organize and can't stand it when I can't find things because they are disorganized. Can you relate? Or do you need some ideas on how to stay on top of your pile? Here are some of my organization ideas. 

This is right inside the door to my classroom. This picture has a small organizer on the left that has 2 slots for papers and 2 holes for pens, etc. I keep a basket to hold rubber bands here because we get our students' meal cards twice a day and they come with a rubber band so this makes it easy to toss them in!

I don't have a desk anymore so it is important that I stay organized because there is no dumping ground!

I have a metal self on wheels that holds my "desk stuff" way better than my desk ever did. The binders are on a wire mesh organizer. They are the ones I use every day. In the little white box is bandaids. The kids can get them in the classroom instead of going down to the nurse for a minor boo-boo! 

These are my lesson plans. After the week, I put them in a binder.

I just bought this desk organizer on Amazon. It is awesome for holding things that I use constantly while sitting at my table. 

This is an organizer I got from Really Good Stuff that clamps on to the table. Also awesome but a little pricey!

 This is a great organizer also from Really Good Stuff that holds the large construction paper. 

This rolling cart holds my big posters and big books. 

This is my teaching easel and it holds everything I need! As you can see I've put command hooks on it to hold flashcards. I love that the whole thing is magnetic too.  On the top in the drawers I keep the calendar numbers for each month. The book cart to the left has book boxes that hold word work activities for each reading level A-M. 

These are just a few of my ideas!