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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

My Favorite Teacher Things

I am a gadget person. Anything that makes my life easier, I want it! Here are my favorites:

My teaching easel holds everything I need during whole group teaching. Check out the karaoke machine and microphone. It makes reading to the class so much fun that everyone wants to do it!

Here is a front view of my easel. The number bonds on it are magnetic and dry erase! I got them with bonus points from Scholastic.

Pencil sharpeners are important. This beauty set me back about $130 but that was 3 years ago and it still works great!

This year I bought a cordless Dyson to keep at school. I love mine at home and it makes it so easy to clean up messes.

I inherited these from a retiring teacher and have had to add a layer of wood to reinforce them but they are awesome! I have seen similar ones made of pressed board that are shoe holders that would work well too. 

This desk organizer that I got on Amazon keeps all the things I need while sitting at my table at my fingertips.

This organizer clamps on to the table. It is from Really Good Stuff. The needle nose pliers are great for pulling off glue caps that are stuck shut so I can clean them out with an unfolded paper clip.

I couldn't live without my Sterilite Drawers. I don't have a desk so I store all my little things and my papers for each day.

This shelf from Really Good Stuff holds the big construction paper. 

This is a rolling cart that stores my big books and large posterboard-size posters. 

The kids love choosing from the treasure box at the end of the month. I got it from Oriental Trading.

This rainbow pocket chart is great for displaying all the phonics cards. I used a Sharpie and wrote on the pockets to tell what type of sounds that row contains. 

I am hot-blooded. This little fan keeps me comfortable while I'm sitting at my table.

These seat sacks came from Lakeshore. They are working great!

I use zipties a lot in my classroom. I always keep some of each size around.

These trays are awesome! I got them from Dollar General for $2. They are not very durable but I use them for puzzles, for glitter, for kids picking out stickers, art projects, etc. 

These dry erase pockets are awesome! I have them hanging by a magnetic hook on each pod of desks for kids to grab and use with math mats and dry erase markers. Great for protecting things too.

These dishwashing basins from the dollar store are great for collecting work for absent students when it is put on their desks.

These are a few of my favorite things!