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Sunday, July 3, 2022

July is HERE! Are you freaking out?! A few easy summer tasks to make back to school easier and a Back to School Checklist FREEBIE

If you are like me, July is when I start to panic a little bit. For me, it means about a month left before I need to get into my classroom and about a month and a half until school starts. I am moving to a new classroom this year which adds to the stress (and excitement)!

Here are some things I'll be working on to get a head start and make things easier when school is in full swing!

It feels great to start the year with fresh clean things! These are some megablocks for my STEM area.

These are books I've been wanting to get to and now I have the time. Have you read either one? I like to keep up with new ideas like the Science of Reading and Building Thinking Classrooms.

This is just a really simple drawing of my classroom including windows, doors, built-in shelving, etc. Then I penciled in where I thought I would want the furniture and rugs. This is great to leave for the summer custodians too!

Of course, I can't get all my planning done during the summer, but I like to get my calendar started and my plan book. I can start penciling in a few things.

Over the years, I've compiled a Back to School Checklist that has helped keep me on track during that whirlwind we call August. I love being able to check off those boxes! Click below to get an editable copy for yourself!

And of course, make time to relax and have fun to recharge yourself. Self-care is important! Have a great rest of your summer!